Gespage EP


Key points

Control of prints on networked printers, local (usb) and multifonctions.

✓ Manage the user accounts with quotas or payment.

✓ Set up of a print policy: mandatory or suggested redirection and modification of documents (forcing to black & white and duplex).

✓ Get tools to a rigorous cost management.

✓ Feedback of counters (MPS).

✓ An event log, automatic purges and backups and a High Availability.

✓ A customized Web user interface.

✓ Synchronization of user accounts with your own tools AD / LDAP / CSV data base.

✓ Edition of automatic and customizable reports (sent by mail, data export in csv, pdf and graphical reports).


Architecture of the Solution

✓ Windows or Linux Server (including remote, autonomous and separate networks).

✓ A pop-up available on all the client stations: Windows, Linux/Unix, MAC and thin clients.

✓ An ergonomic and secure web interface with access rights.

✓ Management of the remote sites with data consolidation.


Functions Gespage MFP Gespage EP
Accounting of prints per user
Accounting of copies per user
Feedback of counters
Unlimited number of servers
Unlimited number of users
Licensing per point of print
Print rules
User alerts by pop-up and email
Quotas per User / Group / Job
User authentication on the MFP
Secure print on request
Embedded terminal
Card reader
Gespage Web Payment in Option
Free trial for 60 days